Melissa Brownback

Finding Freedom in Uncertain Times

Melissa Brownback
Finding Freedom in Uncertain Times

For the first time in history, we are experiencing a simultaneous, world-wide season of adversity. In big and small ways, no life has been untouched by COVID-19. Now that we’re a few weeks into our new realities of sheltering in place and social distancing, many of us are feeling stuck in every possible way – physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually.

While the crisis of this pandemic is unprecedented, the inner workings of the human heart are unchanging. I can’t help but notice that what we are experiencing now as a global community are the same, tender and challenging realities I see in my office every day. Unexpected changes we didn’t choose. Circumstances we can’t control. Feelings of grief, sadness and fear we don’t want and can’t change – all with no end in sight.

A key aspect of emotional and mental health involves allowing ourselves the space to feel by acknowledging our grief and naming our fears, but it doesn’t end there. In any season of hardship, we have the opportunity to thrive as we cultivate internal freedom – a level of peace that transcends whatever circumstances we may face.

As I have walked alongside clients and faced personal experiences of suffering, I’ve learned that the path to freedom can begin with a simple question: 

Where do I have choices?

As I reflect on recent conversations with clients, family and friends, I’ve noticed some common themes beginning to emerge and some corresponding choices we can make together.

Read the full article at Grit & Virtue.